Terms of use

Terms of use

The information on DoctorTravel.com is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or care.

While every attempt has been made to provide accurate and current information, medicine is a constantly changing field, and users of this site should confirm all medical information with their personal health professionals.

The opinions expressed on this website are those of Christopher Sanford, MD, and do not necessarily represent those of the University of Washington.

The information on DoctorTravel.com is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or care.

While every attempt has been made to provide accurate and current information, medicine is a constantly changing field, and users of this site should confirm all medical information with their personal health professionals.

The opinions expressed on this website are those of Christopher Sanford, MD, and do not necessarily represent those of the University of Washington.

The information on DoctorTravel.com is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or care.

While every attempt has been made to provide accurate and current information, medicine is a constantly changing field, and users of this site should confirm all medical information with their personal health professionals.

The opinions expressed on this website are those of Christopher Sanford, MD, and do not necessarily represent those of the University of Washington.